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Isokinetics – What Does the Biodex do?

What is the Biodex? Isokinetic refers to a type of assessment or training used in sports medicine, rehabilitation, and exercise science. Biodex is the brand of a type of isokinetic dynamometer – basically a great piece of kit that can be used in the treatment of most areas of the body. Testing involves measuring muscle […]

Top 5 cycling injuries – How To Overcome Them

Top 5 cycling injuries- How to treat them The top 5 cycling injuries is a list of some of the most common things we hear and see cyclists complain about. Knee pain Low back pain Hand and wrist pain Saddle soreness Feet numbness Knee pain in cycling Knee pain is a common problem in cyclists […]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) – physiotherapy management advice.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) physiotherapy management advice. The iliotibial band is one of the most common running injuries we see at Physis Physiotherapy. It is one of the most talked about problems on runners forums and the one with the greatest lack of understanding. So here is some advice for runners based on some of […]

Plantar Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis – a physiotherapists perspective.

Plantar Heel Pain advice from a Physiotherapist The plantar fascia is the flat band of tissue (ligament) that connects your heel bone to your toes. It supports the arch of your foot. If you overload your plantar fascia, it reacts like all tissues and may become painful. The overload must exceed your normal tissue tolerance […]

Treatment and rehabilitation of an ankle sprain

Treatment and rehabilitation of an ankle sprain Treatment and rehabilitation of an ankle sprain can begin after the initial ankle sprain diagnosis. There are a number of treatment goals and objective measurements which will guide the speed and intensity of the treatment/rehabilitation plan. Ankle sprain- goals of treatment Diagnose the type and grade of ankle […]

Sprained ligament?

Sprained ligament? A ligament is a strong fibrous soft tissue which provides a passive joint constraint to prevent excessive movement. We call an injury to ligamentous tissue a sprain and its a strain with muscle tissue. But both are termed soft tissue injuries. The joint capsule is a ligamentous type bag which surrounds a synovial […]

What is a sprained ankle?

Sprained ankle? What is a sprained ankle? Well the term is applied to a soft tissue injury at the ankle joint but there are a number of possible injuries that this term may be used to describe. As a sports physiotherapist you assess the area to identify the tissues involved and the type/grade of injury. […]

Recreational runners get less osteoarthritis.

  Running does not lead to osteoarthritis. So the research is clear recreational runners have a lower occurrence of knee and hip osteoarthritis compared to sedentary individuals and competitive runners, according to a new international study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT). Researchers in Spain, Sweden, the United States and […]

Shred the slopes – not your body. Snowsport Injury Advice.

Shred the Slopes Not Your Body Are you soon to hit the slopes? If so, are you prepared? I am not referring to your purchase of the latest ‘look’ to cruise the slopes in style or sussing out the best Apres ski spots. I am referring to you – your body, is it prepared and […]

Physiotherapy advice for a hyperextended knee.

What is a hyperextended knee? A hyperextended knee is a common sporting injury where the knee bends backwards beyond its normal position. The severity of the injury can range from being a mild inflammatory response to a serious injury. Hyperextension at the knee is very common naturally. But in the case of a hyperextension injury, […]